Best Way to Buy Blue Light Filtering Sunglasses: Surviving Screen Time

Do your eyes ever get tired, dry, or itchy? Do you get headaches a lot? Having trouble sleeping? It could be those gosh darn screens we sit in front of all day!
Wait! This isn't some Boomer take, I swear. Screens can be great. The internet can connect us, put the world's knowledge at our fingertips, let us work, play, and shop from anywhere, and so much more.
We aren't anti-screen. Not at all. But too much of a good thing can be harmful. Let me drop some knowledge for a hot second. All visible light contains all colors in the rainbow. Blue light, however, can be an issue.
See, blue light can affect your sleep cycle by keeping you awake and alert while the sun is out. However, screens produce artificial blue light that can negatively impact your sleep by keeping you awake longer.
A healthy amount of blue light from the sun or screens can be good. But too much can damage your eyes. You still with me? Okay, let's cut to the chase.
TL;DR: Too much blue light can damage your eyes, cause negative effects, and keep you up later than AJR.
So, what are we supposed to do? Never use technology or go outside? Of course not. But, you should protect your eyes when possible. That's where blue light glasses come in. They can filter out blue light to reduce the negative impact.
Let's go over some blue light facts and discuss the best way to buy blue light filtering sunglasses and glasses.
Are There Different Kinds of Blue Light Filtering Glasses?
Blue light glasses come in different colors. The darker the tint on the glasses, the higher the percentage of blue light they filter out.
Clear lenses filter around 10%-15% which is great for daytime use or general use because darker yellow or amber lenses may filter too much, making you tired during the day. Darker lenses are great for nighttime use to avoid insomnia.
While there's no conclusive science saying blue light glasses will help with all the effects of too much screen time, many people swear by them. Also, science has proven they can help with sleep.
How to Shop for Blue Light Filtering Glasses
Start with when and why you're using them. Match the type of blue light glasses you get to the purpose you're using them for. If you want to wear them while working during the day, go clear. Want to binge Netflix or YouTube before bed? Go dark.
After that, it's mostly just about the style and price. The best way to buy blue light filtering sunglasses in fun styles at a great price is to shop PopShady.
Top Blue Light Filtering Glasses
Obviously, the best blue light sunglasses are at PopShady. Am I biased? Well, yea, of course. But I also happen to be right.
Source: Trust me bro.
Okay, but for real, I think these options are pretty sick. Take a look at my recommendations for the top blue light filtering glasses and let me know if you agree. If you don't…
Are you a minimalist at heart? Then these Lexor blue light filtering glasses are perfect for you. They are so sleek and stylish with their contemporary rimless design. They look super smart and modern. Plus, they won't clash with any outfit. That makes them perfect for everyday wear.
These Madrid blue light filtering glasses are super cute. The slightly oversized look is adorable. The round frames make them stand out but they're thin enough to still be really subtle and go with anything.
They even have a bit of a throwback vibe TBH. It's very chic 70's. These glasses manage to be vintage yet modern somehow. I can't explain it, but you'll know it when you see it. It's giving versatility, babe.
This pair of Cooper blue light filtering glasses definitely isn't for everyone. They have a strong personality, to say the least. If they're for you, they'll just speak to you. They have a 60s-era horn-rimmed frame that comes in three variations to meet your particular aesthetic.
For a more dramatic look, maybe try the Nelson blue light filtering glasses. Feeling the dark academia aesthetic? Who isn't? That look is such a mood. These can help you pull your dark academia outfit together with ease.
The round frames are the perfect balance between bold and lightweight. Plus, having a thicker polycarbonate frame with all-around coverage makes them extra durable.
These have a classic look that won't be out of place for almost any outfit. However, the black ones do give me such dark academia vibes that it would be kind of a shame not to try the look at least once, IMHO. But you do you, boo.
If none of these styles quite fit, don't worry. I have one more suggestion. Do you want a minimalist look but don't like the rimless glasses? Well, PopShady has something in the middle for just this situation!
The Jynx blue light filtering glasses are exactly halfway between the rimless Lexor and the bold Nelson glasses. They come in five different colors, so you have plenty of options. They are super cute without being loud or in your face.
Choose What Makes You Feel Good & Look Good
When it comes right down to it, the best way to buy blue light filtering sunglasses has to be about your needs and what makes you look good and feel good. It's going to vary person to person.
If your glasses are tinted but you feel sluggish or lethargic during the day, then you aren't going to feel good, no matter how hot they look on you. Try a lighter tint or clear pair. Likewise, if you don't feel like you look good, you aren't going to feel good in any pair.
Find a pair that works for you and balances both looks and results.
PopShady Has Your Eyes Covered!
Hopefully, this helped you find the perfect pair for you! If not, at least I hope it gave you some info and a place to start. With the winter sun being stronger but setting early, UV protection is important, but so is your mood.
Less sunlight can make you feel down. If you're thinking of practicing a little retail therapy to boost your spirits, let us help you out! Buy some PopShady blue light filtering glasses or any other pair! In fact, buy 2 pairs and get one pair on us!🤑 Use code ShadyTrio to unlock our buy 2 get 1 free deal! 😎 Have questions? Hit us up.